CORONA-19 is a nefarious global plot by Big Masturbation to quarantine everyone indoors with nothing else to do all day but play with their sin zones! TRUMP made America Great Again® but the socialist DEMONcrats want to make America ‘Bate Again! Don’t let Satan and his evil minions win! STOP Masturbation NOW! Praise!
What the fuck is this website? “Big masturbation?” Grow the fuck up, people have been masturbating for millions of years. You fuckin’ Trump supporters are idiots, there is nothing you can do to stop people from masturbating. You and your little cult should to “stop” people from doing something else they are free to do. You can’t stop masturbation.
Your hate speech is not welcomed here! Praying at you now.
rubbing one out for you lonnie. godspeed!
This site is a breeding ground for retards, but man it has meme potential.
No it’s not fake you guys are idiots for thinking that! Fuck you
I can’t wait until you go outside and fucking die. Retarded goblins
Though I don’t agree with your language, I also believe that masturbators are mentally handicapped and probably should perish outdoors! Thank you for your support, brother! Praise!
you guys are the same amount of stupid as you are republican
It’s a known fact that all masturbators are, in fact, liberal democrats! Glad I could help.
u can suck my fat cock dumbass
science is stronger than ur pussy up in the clouds
ur gods probably wanking over the thought of you dying
also if you love god so much go join him!
99% of teens are liveral democrats? ok
Finally someone brings out the TRUTH. I am so tired of the LAMESTREAM SATANIST MEDIA lying about how this sickness came from the Chinese. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! this is obviously a plot by the GLOBALIST SATANISTS who want to encourage fornication to HARVEST BABIES. God Bless You Lonnie Childs for bringing the light in the trying times.
I masturbated like 20 times a day and I love dick so far up my ass it touches my stomach and I love getting my cock played wit
There is no fucking god you sick fuck
i love getting my ass pounded and i love masturbating even more!
i just violently masturbated
I’m masturbating to all these comments, keep them coming please I’m almost there
this is wrong. i made covid-19 to kill people like whoever wrote this article
Reading the comments it’s clear none of you get the fact that this entire website is a joke, stop taking shit so serious lmao