
Paul Horner aka Fappy the Anti-Masturbation Dolphin MUST GO NOW

Paul Horner aka Fappy the Anti-Masturbation Dolphin MUST GO NOW

The grumblings have going on for some time among the Stop Masturbation NOW elders and I in good conscience must come out and say: Paul Horner aka Fappy the Anti-Masturbation Dolphin MUST GO NOW! The man is a disgrace to Brother Lonnie’s outreach efforts to poor and disenfranchised children who […]

B.L.U.F.F. Safford Campus Announces Big Game Safari to Zimbabwe

B.L.U.F.F. Safford Campus Announces Big Game Safari to Zimbabwe

Safford, Arizona – Brother Lonnie’s University of FaithFacts (B.L.U.F.F.) has announced a special safari and big game hunting excursion to the African Nation of Zimbabwe. Special Services Recreational Director and long-time B.L.U.F.F. elder Thomas Downey announced the trip during a closed question-and-answer session between the B.L.U.F.F. Eldership and SMN Pledges […]

by July 31, 2015 4 comments Animals, B.L.U.F.F., World
Lonnie Childs encountering "The Sasquatch".

BREAKING: Lonnie Childs Solves Mystery Of Bigfoot

Another one of life’s great mysteries has been solved thanks to the tireless efforts of Lonnie Childs. Brother Lonnie was out walking the Earth as He does from time to time and found Himself in Western Oregon in the woods. The particular area Brother Lonnie was traveling through is renowned […]

by April 3, 2015 11 comments Animals
Izzy Azalea

ESPN’s Mexican Calls Out Mulatto Iggy Azalea And Masturbator Boyfriend For Killing Dolphins And Hippity-Hopped Music

Recently, a Basketball-American type, (or in the less Politically correct vernacular, a Tribal being), from the L.A. Lakers, named Nick “Swaggy P” Young, admitted to wanting to murder a dolphin because the dolphin wanted to make sex at his girlfriend named Iggy Azalea. Here is his side of the story […]

by March 2, 2015 7 comments Animals
Black History Month Fun Quiz

Black History Month Fun Quiz

(StopMasturbationNOW)—Its been a cold and dark February, but its almost over. To celebrate the end of black history month we listed twenty inventions. See if you can find the three invented by Blacks. Computers Light Bulbs Antibiotics Rockets Peanut Recipes Penicillin Seat Belt Airplane Democracy Automobile Refrigeration Telephone Combustion Engine Twerking […]

by February 27, 2015 17 comments Animals
Pre-Coming Of The Apocalypse May Have Already Begun

Pre-Coming Of The Apocalypse May Have Already Begun

WATERBURY CT- (SMNNN) The End of Days maybe be upon us all, thus ringing in the beginning of the Rapture, and it all centers on one small city in the forgotten state of Connecticut. Waterbury CT, a small and once-cursed by Native Tee-Pee and Wigwam Indians to be an uninhabitable […]

Top Five Animals To Go Extinct From Masturbation

Top Five Animals To Go Extinct From Masturbation

NATURAL HISTORY-(SMNNN) Throughout the approximately 8,500 years the world has existed, many animals have gone extinct, but only a few notable animals have gone extinct from masturbation. Here’s a list of the top five: 1) The Tasmanian Tiger. The thylacine was the first large cat to go extinct from masturbation […]

by November 8, 2014 27 comments Animals, History, Supernatural Disaster
Disturbing Video: Panda Caught Self-raping

Disturbing Video: Panda Caught Self-raping

The Wicked Wildlife Federation, in association with agents from Big Masturbation have released a disturbing video. The grainy, shaking, out-of-focus footage shows a psychotic panda with glazed eyes, oblivious to the world, shaking his sin stick with vigor and reckless abandon until streams of seedy ejaculate are squirted into the air with […]

by October 21, 2014 10 comments Animals
MRFP at 100X magnifications

EbolAIDS Outbreak Begins

The Gulf Region USA- Somewhere in Africa or maybe Asia- (SMNNN) Officials at B.L.U.F.F. microorganism/viral weaponry division, and the at least one capable person at The Foundation For A Better Tomorrow, have declared the the dreaded homogay-induced virus Bad AIDS has mutated, and become the gay upon the proven masturbatory […]

by October 10, 2014 15 comments Animals, Science, Supernatural Disaster, World
Crazed Californian Masturbator Kills Nearly 1000 Chickens

Crazed Californian Masturbator Kills Nearly 1000 Chickens

Further proving that golf is an evil sport that should be banned, a deranged masturbator took a golf club and murdered nearly 1000 chickens in a facility near Fresno, California. The facility, owned by chicken manufacturer, Foster Farms, claimed that 920 chickens were murdered “with a golf club or other […]

by October 3, 2014 9 comments Animals, Death, Morals, Trending
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