Post Tagged with: "Non-Normals"

Family Unknowingly Sleeps in Hotel with Remnants of Self-Rape in Drawer

Family Unknowingly Sleeps in Hotel with Remnants of Self-Rape in Drawer

TEXARKANA – Bad room service was the least of the worries a family of four were forced to deal with after a semen stained rag was found stuffed into a Gideon’s Bible in the drawer of their room. The Texarkana Times reports the parents had noticed a foul smell in […]

by November 23, 2016 3 comments Family Values
Brother Lonnie Announces He Forgives Native American Teepee Indians

Brother Lonnie Announces He Forgives Native American Teepee Indians

Brother Lonald “Lonnie” Childs has long been a pioneer in race relations through his compassionate programs to institute White privilege for all through prayer and free skin bleaching procedures.  As such Brother Lonnie has seen a disturbing rise of intolerance that he has decided to combat.  With recent efforts by […]

Brother Lonnie Revokes Tiger Woods’ Normal Status

Brother Lonnie Revokes Tiger Woods’ Normal Status

According to Brother Lonald “Lonnie” Childs, honorary Normal skinned golfing sensation Tiger Woods is once again black thanks to the recent scandal regarding his rampant masturbation and sleeping with over a dozen chubby white women with self esteem issues.  Tiger was made an honorary Normal due to his mastery of […]

by February 7, 2015 6 comments Sports
Photo of the self-rapist stopped by Bruce Danus.

Diaries of a Masturbator Hunter

As a member of the Anti-masturbation neighborhood watch in my community, it is my duty to watch all the houses in our neighborhood for potential self-rapists. I am in charge(Self-promoted) of making sure that people keep their yards well groomed, conduct themselves in a civil manner in public, keep blacks […]

by November 11, 2014 27 comments Spot a Masturbator
Luxurious Negro cruise ship. Navigated by Captain Brother Lonnnie Childs

Blecks Change Black History Month to Lonnie History Month

Many non normal Americans have been falsely categorized as being ungrateful for the many accomplishments of the normal white man under Brother Lonnie’s supervision. Despite left wing media jibberish, blecks are quite happy to have had their ancestors brought to american via top notch cruise vessels to perform the tasks […]

by October 30, 2014 18 comments Lonnie Childs
This is a sin!

Reminder: Stimulating Your Genitals With Foreign Objects or Foreign People is Sinful Behavior

Faithfact #698:  Stimulating your sin zones with dangerous foreign objects or people is considered masturbation.

by October 16, 2014 17 comments Faith Fact Series
Ebola Mutation Transmitted via Masturbation

Ebola Mutation Transmitted via Masturbation

The Foundation For a Better Tomorrow in association with B.L.U.F.F. has confirmed that a new super strain of Ebola is passed to hosts through masturbation. The virus clings to the outer skin palettes and is launched airborne at the moment of masturbatory climactic release, becoming airborne and susceptible to transmission […]

by October 12, 2014 8 comments Science
The Finger Sniff Test-Where Non-Normal Arguments Fail

The Finger Sniff Test-Where Non-Normal Arguments Fail

B.L.U.F.F. – My Dear Friends in Christ, you have been recently enlightened on this Holy Webpage with guidelines to prevent masturbation in your young daughter’s life. The B.L.U.F.F. Finger Sniff Test was presented with the blessings of the Faith Facts Eldership. It has also been proven to be a most […]

by October 6, 2014 19 comments Self-Rape Prevention
Encountering a masturbator in the wild can  be intimidating if you don't recognize the warning signs.

The Faces of Masturbation Series: Recognize the Signs!

Encountering a masturbator in the wild can be frightening if you don’t recognize the warning signs.  Pictured is your typical brain-dead masturbator, capable of only making guttural groaning noises, hurling insults that only the most remedial 3rd grade dropout might find amusing and, of course, masturbation.  Be aware of the […]

by September 23, 2014 23 comments Faces of Masturbation
The Menstrual Hut

The Menstrual Hut

The Menstrual Hut Procedures and Guidelines *Note: The following is a living document subject to refinement, adjustment, and reinterpretation by Brother Lonnie in conjunction with the B.L.U.F.F. Council of Elders (Eldership). Revisions may occur without notice; however, they become Campus Law as soon as they are bound to print. Any […]

by September 23, 2014 20 comments Faith Fact Series
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