Masturbation is a same-sex sex-act that one performs on themselves. By doing so, you touch the sex organ of your own gender and become so aroused that you climax. This conditions the body and mind to become a gay. It’s like Karate for perverts. If you do identify as homosexual, and not because of you playing with yourself – Gay HD streaming is available at gaypornhd xxx, enjoy.
Once gay, you will be spending most of your free time having rough unprotected anal sex with complete strangers and some people who visit really enjoy that if they do so I hear. It’s only a matter of time before you catch prostate cancer in some dirty bathroom stall.
Hello friends. My name is Nikita Shallavin and I’m a Sexual Orientation Conversion Therapist at Brother Lonnie’s University of Faith Facts – BLUFF. If you or your loved one are suffering from unwanted same-sex attractions or masturbation, help is just a phone call away.
Please ask our experts on how we can help using a combination of proven methods including behavior modification, psychoanalysis, religious prayer, castration, hypnosis, aversion therapy, mild torture, nausea-producing drugs, electroshock, and brain surgery.
This message of hope is brought to you by the Homogay Conversion Offices or Dr. Nikita Shalavin
Brother Nikita, saved my life. I cannot recommend his unorthodox procedures enough!
Praise, double Praise and triple Praise!
In the before and after pics, he went from a harmless gay to a shirtless baby-rapist. Why would I want this guy?! Ill go in straight, and come out a baby-raping pervert.
I hope all the gays are cured from their lifestyle choice.
I like to touch myself while I think about your mom.