(StopMasturbationNOW)—This week we have a question from a loyal follower and father.
“Hi, my daughter just went away to college and I see that she has a weekly cash withdrawal out of her account every Friday for $40 cash. I asked her about it and she said it’s for her “Friday facial”. I did a web search and I was shocked at the images and videos I found. What should I do?“ Brian Dailey
Thank you for writing Brian. Unfortunately, in today’s “women’s liberated” world females are often pushed into having a career and an education similar to a mans. This puts unnatural pressure on them to be something they simply were not designed to be. This often gives women a repressed need to be feminized. One outlet of this feminization can be a facial. Society is lied to an d told that a facial is healthy. That the fluids can be good for the skin. But in reality all that is absorbed is sinjuice.
Look at these faithfacts:
What you need to do to rectify the situation:
- Remove her access to funds, cash credit cards, everything.
- Get her involved in one of our local Citizens United by Lonnie’s Teachings small groups in her area.
- Be more involved in her college extracurricular activities.
- Make sure she finds and submits to a same race heterosexual spouse.
Through these methods we will save her.
Again, thanks for the question Brian. If any other of our readers have a question please write me at info@stopmasturbationnow.org or use the contact us link at the bottom.
I too was receiving facials to….uh…rejuvenate my skin but now that I know it’s just LIEberal propaganda I have cut the number of facials I receive in half and will Lonnie willing end my addiction. Praise!
Ever think she ment the beauty treatment and not the sexual act
dude, she meant the massage, not getting jizzed in the face
Uh NO…. Her intentions are clear
“But in reality all that is absorbed is sinjuice” Very scientific. “females are often pushed into having a career and an education similar to a mans”… “to be something they simply were not designed to be” I am personally against feminism for a huge number of reasons, but this literally discriminates women, as though they were animals. As though male gender is “simply superior”. The bible can be interpreted in many ways, and it is usually interpreted as the people of that time see fit. No less than 100 years ago, gender discrimination was completely normal, and the Church supported… Read more »
You know this is a troll site, right?
You sir, are a moron.
Not you, the OP of this comment.
You sir, are a moron
Ha! Yes! “I would like to say to whomever made this website: YOU DO NOT WORSHIP GOD, YOU WORSHIP THE CHURCH! Those two things are different, maybe even opposite.” As a Christian, I can tell you this actually applies to likely close to 80% of those who call themselves Christian at all. Not just here. I’ve started calling them Chriatianists. They like the idea of having an elite, secret club, but they’ve nwver actually met the bouncer who lets them in… I am willing to put money on the idea that if Jesus came back today, the “Church” would stone… Read more »
This better not be a real site. Anyone who believes this is a fucking moron and should not procreate. It’s a very misogynistic, racist and totally backwards easy of thinking. I “pray” that the people who read this site don’t take it seriously. One sad thing about today’s society is that morons believe things that they read on websites without looking further into the “facts” purported in this site.
I cant believe the amount of imbeciles Tha are getting annoyed at this, are you fucking retarded you dimwitted fuckballs, someone is having fun, making jokes. The guy who posted probably doesn’t even have a daughter, but he does have a sense of humour which I find fucking hilarious. Keep it up Lonnie. This is gold. Fucking retards
whoever writes all these articles. You are absolute imbiciles. honestly never read such shite in all of my entire life. probably written by seriously ugly people who can’t get laid ? fucking idiots get a real hobbie and a real life
If she is that good looking, I will give her “facials” for free.
Did anyone stop to think that this is satire???
Why does she have to pay for a facial? My boyfriend gives them to me all the time for free.
This is so funny I’m dying omfg all the stock photos used killed me