The launch of Stop Masturbation Now’s Anti-Masturbation Cross™ has met with unqualified success over the past twenty-four hours, crashing our holy netsite with pre-orders and projecting our bold design to seemingly every corner of the internet. Alas, no good turn goes unpunished – as it seems that the forces of Big Masturbation have already infringed upon our designs for the Anti-Masturbation Cross™ by producing several knock-off prototypes of the device which have been altered in order to encourage the very injuries that we sought to prevent.
The device in question has been tentatively named the Poopoose™, and has been altered in such a way as to ensure that the child’s hands will be forcibly held within the general region of their genitalia in order to promote self-rape. This turn of events has been very concerning to Lonnie Childs and our holy netsite community, as it threatens to cause an epidemic of self-rape in the name of anti-masturbation, while at the same time discrediting our own potentially lifesaving device.
you guys are fucked
Time to rub one off! Gonna beat my dick like it owes me money!
Penis used harden.
Penis used splash.
It was very effective
The kid’s grinning because they’ve figured out a way to touch themselves anyway. So now they get to spend all night doing so. 🙂
I feel like crying, reading the news has become too upsetting. I would prefer not to know the evil that is spread beyond our compound gates. Please Lonnie, do something!!!!!!
You’re a cult just like Waco, and religious extremists like the Taliban and al-Qaeda! Groups like YOURS are the problems in this world! Unfortunately you’re brainwashed so you can’t even see the truth. I know I’m wasting my time but there is no god! You’re only torturing children, and who says they don’t masturbate while they poop….. most people can get off in a few mins if they choose. You can’t watch them every second of the day. besides masturbation is one of the best anti depressants we have at our disposal. Hopefully you won’t meet the same demise as… Read more »
This is a satirical website. Omfg.
Please Lonnie, our father, make these evil sinners burn in pain for eternity. Amen.
Pray with all your heart and it will surely be so, Nancy!
Bless! 🙂
We shall never burn, still waiting to climax.
If it burns, you probably got herpes.
Oof. Or you’re masturbating with a lit matchstick
God’s name is Lonnie?
You pray God and you wish people would die ??? Are you serious ?
St. Peter just told me he masturbates daily, i mean he gets to see all these young stupid virgins pass his doorway to heaven and he cant stop touching himself.
St. Peter didn’t say that, you speak with a forked tongue, mocker! 🙁
God I just love to masturbate! It’s amazing!!
Nothing pleases the nefarious agents of Big Masturbation more than the thought of children raping themselves.
They no doubt find it a delightful form of vicarious pedophilia!
This is a joke right? I mean no one would think torturing a child in this way has anything to do with God or Christ.
Sadly, it’s not a joke, Brother soulfire. This product is very real, and the agents of Big Masturbation want to torture our children with it!
if a kid want to jerk off let the poor kid do it. its not ganna make him transform into a devil and rape every thing he sees
Yes it will.
No it really won’t.
Yes, it really will.
What are you like five years old. Would explain your way of thinking.
Praying at brother Baich, so he may gain true understanding.
Oh my fucking goodness, go back to nursery school and don’t come back unless you get some sense in that empty head of yours.
Prove it.
What is up with you guys? Why are you brainwashing these poor people? There is no such thing as self rape. Rape is defined by a sexual act forced upon someone. The decision of someone to choke their chicken is in no way an act of rape. It was a decision made by that person, for their reasons. Not yours. The very idea of putting a child in a straight jacket every night is frightening. Can you imagine if child services were to find out that you were imprisoning a child in its own home? You people are sick. I… Read more »
fuck yea man!!! 😀
I know my first amendment rights, masturfiend! DON’T TREAD ON ME!
What the hell is ya’lls issues? Yall are some sick weird fuckers. Strapping kids into a device before bed, wishing pain and suffering on others that do not see your views, and acting like your views are the only ones that make sense. It’s people like yall that cause ppl to hate religion and Christianity. All of you should be flogged. Keep up the good work of creatinga more insane and uncooperative world. P.S. that was sarcasm for those that are too damn stupid to catch it!
this is why my friend I am an atheist my name used to be jebus christler but these dip shits drove me to change my name to alex
If your faith is so easily shaken, then you had none to begin with.
I am a victim of Self Rape, I rape myself hard in the vagina and anus. I cannot stop raping myself. Sometimes I buy myself a drinking and wait until I am not looking and sprinkle GHB in there. Then I drink it unknowingly. Often times I wake up in my own bed not knowing where I am because of the vicious Self Rape I just administered to myself, unintentionally. I have even become a victim of Self Gang Rape, where my feet get involved, please pray for me to avoid being self raped, i have stopped wearing spaghetti strap… Read more »
video or didn’t happen
Praying at you, Ana! 🙂
Julian you’re a stupid motherfucker
“Ana L. Rumpus” no one sees that they’ve been had? Really? You do nothing for the cause when people say religious people lack intelligence.
Do you have a video cause that sounds hot
Yo, yo got a video? I wanna self-rape myself to that. y’know preform that homosexual, self-rape, sin my dude.
Can you do a BDSM version too please ?
I am a victom of self rape one morning I woke up with my penis in my asshole and I hade to get it cut off and the seeman removed from my rectom and now I am a woman with no tits
Becaues logic lol
I raped myself last night and this morning . Was good man. I can feel a rely rape cumming right now brb
Relay Rape!!! That’s fucking great man!!!!
One question… of god didn’t want you to touch yourself… why would he give guys wood in the morning and so often? And why would girls get horny and tingly ‘down there’? “Satan causes it.” is not a response… I’m pretty sure (if he does exist) that he would be far too busy trying to cause America to nuke Iraq than to ‘force’ people to touch themselves… all I’m saying is… try it… and don’t feel guilty. It’s perfectly healthy. If you know a man who is a virgin at the age of 25 or so and has ‘never masturbated’…… Read more »
Why did God leave the fruit of knowledge unguarded? it is a test of morality – and one that you clearly fail!
If they choose to fail that test, it’s up to them, not you. Regardless of age. This is just a torture device.
It causes them no pain – clearly not a torture device.
You got mega blue balls
You’re just jealous of the people who get pleasure from masturbation
this cant be real. in Finland you would be convicted for doing something like that to a child.
Welcome to the free world, Hans! 🙂
I feel like youre a pedophile.
there is no such thing as rape yourself that’s impossible so sad your teaching people nonsense I been raped before by men real rape hurts and is forced by someone else its not welling its not free choice its someone forcing you to have sex its not of love or of light of god . there is nouthing wrong with giving self love to yourself masturbation is a act of loving your self in the highest way it duse not hurt you at all think of it you love yourself you have needs your in a human body your a… Read more »
Peeps.. this is a fake Troll site. Hilarious though.
Trolls aren’t real – everyone knows that! How old are you?
God isn’t real -everyone knows that! How old are you?
He looks like a 14 year old who tried to get someone to draw a beard on them
I have trolls, they are real, don’t believe, come visit! we offer a comprehensive travel package as well as free SPF 5000 for you lighter skin dudes. Like the smell of roasting chicken? get ready to smell that 24/7 as you BURN FOR ETERNITY your next vacation!
ohhh I see some fake bullcrap site hmmm
most kids jerk off at school during the day anyways.
I have masturbated in public 103 times in one week and I have sucked some dudes dick for $13
Same here
yo man we should meet up and have a few outher black guys to have hardcore gay sex with us and jizz on our bodys 😉
Oh yea totally 😉 I’m up for that
im rubbing my penis on the screen for you 😉
Oh I’m licking the screen as we speak 😉
oh god make me sin all on the screen 😉
Oh Yess who’s your daddy 😉
Oh god i can feel the sin running down my pants right now <3
Ohhhhhh jerbuus
Your helping the molesters with this if the kid cant get out a pedo wil snatch dat fool and he will have semon and a demon in him
This is terrible and I pray to Lonnie that Big Masturbation is stopped. The comments on this page are ridiculous as well. You people need some serious help. masturbation is a top 10 cause of disease as well as incest and a homogay act. Disgusting.
I’ll tell you why it is rape- your body has no say! And, you are having sex with yourself- same gender, same family. Gay and incest. Disgusting.
I pray at all of you. May you find the redemption of Lonnie Childs
Great to see you, Leonard! Praise!
tie me to the cross and fuck my ass
Is this some kind of sick joke? Who the hell is Lonnie childs? This is the most sickening shit I’ve seen in years. There is no such thing as self rape. Stop trying to make money off of people’s stupidity and ignorance! Sadly, people can be easily persuaded… Especially on the internet. Being against sex before marriage is one thing, but telling people to strap their kid to a [torture] device where they can’t move? That seems ok to you? And you ignorant assholes that are planning on using this on your child, spread the word! That way, someone can… Read more »
is so fucking funny.
I found the ‘anti-masturbation cross’ in a photo of collegehumor. Oh my god, you sick fucks honestly think masturbation is evil?
Seriously, where in the bible does it say masturbation is evil? Spilling your seed, maybe, but you can bottle that shit or donate it to a sperm-bank, bitches!
But how many masturbators ever do?
After reading Ana L. Rumpus’s comment, I had to go and self rape for awhile.. was fucking great! would be better though, if she made a video of it and told me which porn site to find it.
It’s okay guys. If they are strapped in there and a fire breaks out. God will magically unstrap the child to run for his life.
Absolutely nothing wrong with a crafty wank. But these devices are full on child abuse. Want to fuck your child’s head up for life? Get one of these. Mental bastards
After seeing that there are religious fanatics that are this fucked up, i’m gonna go in a church and wank-off till i cum on the floor.
Seriously guys, just stop. You are literally effecting my bottom line with all this sin saving material. If you do not cease work now I will be forced to take legal action! Trust me, I have millions and millions of best Lawyers in my dominion and won’t hesitate to make you BURN FOR ALL ETERNITY.
bloody hell this is ridiculouse on both sides! i saw a pic of this anti masturbation cross and couldnt belive it was am actual thing and thats not because i activly encourage masturbation but just because the concept is ridiculouse. you can agree or disagree with masturbation but what is simple fact is that it is a completly natural thing especialy in children who are mearly exploring there own world. humans are not the only species to participate in masturbation for example most primeates obviously including humans masturbate and its just another natural instinct givin to us (and i say… Read more »
It’s things like this that make non-religious people dislike religious people. People like this give Christians like me a bad name. I’m 16 and masturbate all the time.
meanwhile back in reality my previouse coment will be abused by those who have closed minds. maybe its not the people out sid of your odd compound that need to be prayed for.
and now take a step back and i do see this is an awsomly planed joke. cant belive i didnt spot that 🙂
This is such absolute horseshit…. Makes me glad I’m an Atheist.
Why would anyone want to go to Hell?
Because they’re cold.
I’m a Christian but I’m not praying for this comment. Julian Taylor you are one messed up guy, you don’t have the right to put kids in this neither do there parents. Grow the fuck up. Your parent’s didn’t stop you playing with yourself. This is FUCKING WEIRD! GET A LIFE AND A JOB !
It is obvious that most of you never made it past the third grade. I am embarrassed for you all.
SHAME on you who put your child in this! Maybe this is what you need! You should be slapped for even creating this
Is this for real? Self rape? This is a joke right?
Self-rape is no joke, it happens every day, sadly.
hahaha I’ve been comming to this site just to lmao hahaha I actually got a chubby from some comments u kinky bastards