
Donald Trump Fulfills First Prophecy, Disposes of Mexican Dictator Fidel Castro

Havana, Mexico — Praise!  In the first of what is sure to be thousands of prophecies fulfilled, Dear Leader Donald Trump has administered swift and fatal justice to Mexican tyrant, Fidel Castro, who was killed today by special forces on the orders of the President-elect, ending decades of masturbation-related terrorism worldwide.



– Lonnie Childs



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8 years ago

Lonnie you are so wrong. Crastro was the grand leader of Cuba bitch. Beware the Russian bear

Anita Dick
Anita Dick
8 years ago

He’s fucking Cuban.

Carlos Freire
8 years ago

You folks do know that Fidel Castro was the leader of Cuba and not Mexico? Do you folks even know where Cuba is?

People Can Be Idiots
People Can Be Idiots
8 years ago

Wow, how can you Commenting Clowns not understand parody, sarcasm, or snark?

Ms Millie Tant
Ms Millie Tant
8 years ago

What is sarcasm, parody and snark? Some patriarchal words based on reason and humor? Gross! Reason and humor offends my feelthinks. Humor has no place in an equalitarian society!

Ms Millie Tant
Ms Millie Tant
8 years ago

The only negative thing about Comrade Castro was that he was male. Other than that he was a great revolutionary. I disagree with the “masturbation terrorist” part. I am a huge proponent of terrorism, but only the Islamic/animal rights/communist/otherkin/eco-feminist kind. Masturbation was never part of Cuba’s agenda. Porn is not legal in the country:

8 years ago
Reply to  Ms Millie Tant

You are a false communist! Your family will shot! BEWARE THE RUSSIAN BEAR

8 years ago

There is so much idiocy and ignorance in this article I’m now convinced this site is satire as I refuse to believe that anyone could be this idiotic. Quite funny though, good job on that!

8 years ago

Masturbation is revelation!!! 🙂

lol xddddddddddd
lol xddddddddddd
8 years ago

this website HAS to be a joke… MASTURBATING CAUSED EARTHQUAKE? are you serious? please kill me now but murder this website.

7 years ago

Hi. I am very interested in this website and the validity of its arguments and reporting, which, on a scale of one to ten, is somewhere below Cuba. Did I just insult you? Is that high? Is that low? Do you know were the fuck that is? You clearly don’t, and before you ‘report’ on something, you should do a quick google search so that you don’t bring others’ IQ points down by being around so much idiot all in one place. Did you know what Castro stood for? Because it certainly was NOT masturbation. This website is so toxic… Read more »

St. Charlie
St. Charlie
7 years ago
Reply to  .

It’s interesting to note that the number of brain cells you have and the number of genders there are is the same.