
A Holy Wife is a Submissive Wife

Be proud to tell the world that Female Masturbation is an Abomination

Be proud to tell the world that Female Masturbation is an Abomination

God Bless,

TheRev Leroy Jenkins



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10 years ago

Feminism is a weapon. Weapons are for war. Make coitus for procreation with your SRAS (for no longer than 3 mins), not war.


Liam McKey
10 years ago

In my house, if she ain’t covering her head with a scarf, she better be covering it with a helmet. If she knows what’s good for her.

Milton Grits
10 years ago

My dream come true would be to have a holy and submissive wife sanctified in the eyes of Lonnie Christ. I activate my Prayer App every day so this may one day come true.
Milton Grits

Rev. Richard Tuggins
Rev. Richard Tuggins
10 years ago

Isn’t it redundant to say “Submissive Wife”. I thought it is.


10 years ago

Thank you for sharing my vision dear husband.

10 years ago

Oh come now my wives are far too young and faithfull, for me to ever think about letting them try any head scarf arrangement of this complexity. it would disturb their prayer. If they need to go out amongst the lustfull eyes, I favour them with a simple bag and they seem happy enough sharing that.

10 years ago

Is this a joke? This has to be a joke. You guys are joking right? You seriously did not just say wives have to wear a fucking scarf on their head and live in the kitchen and they like t because “now we don’t have to think for ourselves”? Ya’ll are some fucking scary movie cult shit. Also, I’d like to know how many religious practices in the bible you actually listen to and how many you choose not to listen to. Deuteronomy 28:53 says: “Then because of the dire straits to which you will be reduced when your enemy… Read more »

Milton Grits
10 years ago
Reply to  Ashley

We are child eaters? That is a passage in the Bible describing a dire situation resulting from the curse of disobedience. Obviously, that does not apply to us. Ashlee, it is theological error to take something out of context and it is a sin to bear false witness against people. Please choose your words more carefully in the future.

Liam McKey
10 years ago
Reply to  Ashley

You call us “sick” and them you talk about eating children. You make no sense. Praying at you now.

10 years ago

God made both man and woman to have free will, did he not? And I suppose he gave women the gift of free will so they may act as they wish and lead their own lives. When a man orders that a woman wear a veil and basically be “seen but not heard,” that is interfering with her free will. Think for a second: what if you were the woman here? You would not be happy to be treated this way. Women have made discoveries in the past, and many more today are working alongside men to make the world… Read more »

Milton Grits
10 years ago
Reply to  Tyler

Your point is moot. A woman should exercise her free will to wear a scarf or veil. It enhances their beauty.

Don't be sexist
Don't be sexist
10 years ago
Reply to  Milton Grits

I am fine not wearing a scarf or veil thanks. True beauty is on the inside, no matter if I wear what you want me to wear or not. I couldn’t give less of a fuck about what you think. I don’t need a man in my life. I can take care of myself. I don’t need a man to tell me what to do. I am my own person. You are the reason feminism exists and the reason I fight for it. I swear one day we will be equal and you will have to deal with women having… Read more »

Professor Higgins
Professor Higgins
10 years ago

The veil was a symbol of marriage in first century Mediterranean cultures, much as the wedding ring is today. The rest of Corinthians is patriarchal garbage.

Liam McKey
10 years ago


10 years ago

You know the bible is theoretical astrological hybrid. And you know there was over 1000 historians and philosopher’s that lived in the same time and region Jesus was born in. Not one ever said anything about a man named Jesus

dexter battygarten iii
dexter battygarten iii
10 years ago
Reply to  shayt114

Historians and philosophers hey? too busy masturbating to notice, I expect.
So where are they now these historians (dead and gone) and where’s Jesus (alive)?

Show me now
Show me now
10 years ago

Please tell me where Jesus is and where he lives physically. I can’t wait to see him in real life, not in stupid paintings that are obviously not real *since Jesus lives in the Middle East, he would have darkish skin, very dark hair and brown eyes, not white skin, blue eyes and golden hair*

10 years ago

For the so called “feminist” responding here, it is and will always be MY choice to wear a hijab to honour and respect my husband and I feel very safe wearing it.

10 years ago

Fuck you all masturbating is awesome

8 years ago

Wtf God mad guys and ladies equal.