
“666” Sign of the Beast or Code Talk for Homogay Threesomes?


We all know that The Gay is caused by masturbation.  It is a same-sex, sex-act, where one engages in giving hand jobs to their own genitals and therefore, their own gender.  Knowing this, we should all be mindful of the language that the Gays use.

Every version of the Bible warns us of the “Mark of the Beast” as a way to identify the devil.  The symbol “666” is referenced in The Old Testament, The New Testament, The Book of Mormon, Dianetics and The King Lonald Holy Bible.  What is it?  A birth mark?  A tattoo, perhaps?  Is the Bible warning us about Homogays?

Homosexuals as well as normal people refer to a specific sexual position, in pervert-lingo, as “69.”  This position has nothing to do with procreation and is quite a mystery to most Branch Lovidians.  It involves putting ones mouth on another person’s sexual organs while the other person does the same thing.  Homogays are known to take this disgusting practice to the next level with a sexual position they call the “666.”  They are able to do so because their protruding-sex organ is in close proximity to their own body cavity, or as they call it, their “Mangina.”  This allows homogays to penetrate another homogay in front of them, while also being penetrated by the homogay behind them.

The German movie “The Human Centipede” centers around the subject of the 666 act is is available on netflix.

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9 years ago

A strange concept to think about really. But valid all the same.


Real Man
Real Man
9 years ago

I don’t know of a single homogay who is into Satanism. Most Satanists are creepy heterosexual guys with evil-looking goatees. Most homogays work at hair salons and are into this new-age rubbish.

Wouldn’t matter of course, since both of the above groups are condemned to eternal hellfire.

Why won’t they just accept Jesus and stop touching their own genitals?

Rick darden
9 years ago

Is this for real ? Like is this a joke website ? Like for real ?

9 years ago
Reply to  Rick darden

It’s a joke lmao

This website is retarded

This website better be a joke. Homosexuality isn’t a sin, BOR IS MASTURBATION! Its natural, and if god didn’t want us doing it, why are gorillas, dogs, and other animals exposed? I rather have people masturbating all the time, than having women/men get raped, because thats what happens when we can’t be satified. We rape. Masturbation and homosexuality isn’t the bad thing, its humans ourselfs. Get over yourself

Liam McKey
9 years ago

First of all, trying to insult this page by comparing it to people with mental handicaps is beyond wrong.
Secondly, masturbation is NOT NATURAL. You may think it is, yet you also think being a homogay is as well. You are wrong on both. Straight sex makes babies and Homogay sex makes AIDS. If that isn’t a big “hint” about what is right and natural, then it is YOU who is retarded.

this is so funny
this is so funny
9 years ago

I often find the comment section funnier than the hilarious articles themselves. The idea of people actually believing in any of this surely is somewhat worrying, but I’m sure they’re just trolls, and really good at that. One of my favorite satire websites

nick dorito
nick dorito
9 years ago

I see alot of homogays at my gym masturbating in the locker room

nick dorito
nick dorito
9 years ago

Ps. I think we need to move the masturbating level to medium today. Opps sorry

nick dorito
nick dorito
9 years ago

Serious question…are circle jerks mastubation? I will be at my homogay gym tomorrow and can join my friends. Thanks for the insight.

nick dorito
nick dorito
9 years ago

I checked with my hand and penis and both agreed it was consential-it is therefore no longer self rape correct?

Suck My Cock
9 years ago

this websiet is ballz, i love to fondle em and suck em then put my cock in the ass next to em! suck a cock friend!

9 years ago

Okay all this talk about homosexuality and how you disagree with it no one told you who you could love so hop off your high horse and open your eyes. This is love and life people not a democracy about who you can love get a live and stop worrying about everyone else’s

Liam McKey
9 years ago

Of course you have a choice in who you love. You can choose to masturbate and end up loving another dude, or you can be self-celebate and love your same-race spouse.

9 years ago

This is definitely satire.

9 years ago

These posts are honestly stupid. These have got to be a joke.