(Stop Masturbation NOW)—People say America is “progressing”… women can vote, gays can marry, blacks can be president? Well do you call this progressing? I think not. Liberal Hollywood will to anything to pervert our children. America, it is time to rise up and vote to restore family values. The liberals can move to France if they want to be perverts!
No one’s sex tape should be shown in IMAX format.
I agree 100%, but will ask one of the Brothers to vote on my behalf. America went to the dogs when lesser gendereds started filling voting booths with lipstick and hair extensions.
I will take your vote and display it for you, my son. The heathens will soon feel the glorious, glory of God.
Thanks Obama!
its funny , because those are actually two seperate movies , yet ya’ll are reading in that way- who’s the real perverts here?
It’s to separate movies you morons. Sex Tape is a comedy movie.I’m gonna gonna go self rape myself now.
Thanks for taking the time out of your busy self-flagellation schedule to grace us with this comment.
I apologize as I am a son of God. English must be foreign to you. Periods are used to seperate sentences, as was not done on this sign. The heathens displaying this filth would have used proper punctuation if it were the case of two separate movies.
Even artificial intelligence driven ScLIEnce machines are befalling the sins of Self Rape.
I pray for you, my son, and pray for your advancement in the English language.
Hail marry full of grace. I pray for this young woman to become enlightened.
Be with God.
I for will not be allowing my children to see this instalment ofTransformers. Disgusting.
Matthew 24:27
For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
I will never let my children watch any movie involving these metallic soulless satanbots.
Wow y’all are a bunch if fucking wack jobs that what I have to say it’s fcking movie if you don’t like it go live under a rock. To all of you ignorant ass motherfuckers who want to hate on gay people and hate in everything and everyone who goes against you, y’all are just haters I satisfied with ur lame lives probably cuz you never got fucked right… When did god say to go hate on everybody in ur dumb ass bible? I’m pretty sure it talks about love and forgiveness. Not that there’s anything to forgive cuz guess… Read more »
….who the hell is “marry”?’
Your blasphemy, poor grammar skills and inability to use better descriptive words are not appreciated. Swearing is a sin in itself, next to self Sexual Assault. I believe your mouth and skills would be best served on the street helping others of the same sex to self pleasure.
I will pray for the cleansing of your soul. Along with the Lord’s prayer to help wash away the sin from your heathen mouth.
Praise, praise.