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Parents put 16 year old Girl up for Adoption after Catching her Masturbating

(StopMasturbationNOW)—.An East Carolina couple have made national news by being the first parents to put their child up for adoption due to masturbation. 16 Year old Rachel Evans admitted to masturbating to a lesbian scene in a penthouse branded magazine she had “borrowed” while babysitting.

Mr. and Mrs. Evans ponder the hard choice of giving their gay daughter up for adoption

Mr. and Mrs. Evans ponder the hard choice of giving their gay daughter up for adoption

Usually parents give up their children because they can’t raise them due to finances or because they are young and don’t have the mental ability to bring up a child. Kids are also usually given up for adoption at a young age, but Rachel Evans is barely 16 years old and has been listed as legally adoptable by the state of Eastern Carolina. Mrs. Evans released a statement saying “It was a tough choice to give up our daughter to the state, but we don’t know how to handle someone who decides to live a lifestyle that we do not agree with”. The Evans’ said they had help from their local church, who prayed for weeks seeking guidance for the couple and came to the conclusion that it would be best to let the child go in hopes of being adopted by a more liberal family.


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Lonnie Childs
10 years ago

She can go masturbate somewhere else! Not under this roof! Praise!

10 years ago
Reply to  Lonnie Childs

hi lonnie

10 years ago
Reply to  Lonnie Childs
10 years ago
Reply to  Lonnie Childs praise to this!

10 years ago

The thought of girls touching themselves sickens me.

Dr. Cornelius Felcher
10 years ago
Reply to  augustweisz

Senator Weisz, I couldn’t agree more. I think of girls touching themselves often, and it sickens me more each time.

10 years ago
Reply to  augustweisz
10 years ago

WoW sounds like her parents never really loved her if that all it took talk about Christian “Love”

dexter battygarten iii
10 years ago

This is so sad… In this day and age,to break up a happy home like that, over something so small and trivial. Its like the dark ages!!! That young girl should be very ashamed of herself.

10 years ago

Yes. Her mom should be ashamed of herself for breaking up a home for something so trivial.

10 years ago
Reply to  Linda

we should all be ashamed of ourselves for harbouring within us the bestial desire to self rape, maam. Hate the game , not the player; that’s my motto.

10 years ago

This is a bunch of bull shit. You Christian people are so whacked out it makes me feel like worms are crawling in my skin. I pray to Isis that you all find sense in your religion and stop dictating the lives of others based on your close minded twisted beliefs. Ugh.
Sincerely, a lesbian Wiccan.

Liam McKey
10 years ago
Reply to  Jay

Isis? You pray to that terrorist group in Iraq & Syria? I will inform the department of homeland security about the terrorist threat you just made.

Dark Mercenary
10 years ago
Reply to  Liam McKey

I shot a load off into your hat cowboy

dexter battygarten iii
10 years ago
Reply to  Dark Mercenary

Who do you work for anyway Mr “Mercenary”? ISIS, no doubt or some other front organisation for Big Masturbation, right?. Been on the interwebs a while now and I know a mastur-drone/troll when I see one.

Dark Mercenary
10 years ago

I work for an Evil Global Masturbation Corparation that makes profits by making anti-Masturbation Christian Pornos… we also make pocket pussy moulds from female Lonnie followers using laser scanning devices placed under toilet seats in your compound….. Cathy Redmond has agreed to make a Porno with me under the Proviso that brother Lonnie films her getting freaky with a mouthful of my cock.

Dr. Cornelius Felcher
10 years ago

It could be ISIS, but Big Masturbation has also been linked to the terrorist cell JIS (Jews, Islamists, and Satanists) who masterminded the 9/11 attacks. If there’s a jihadist or a pagan alive in the world somewhere, you can bet your bippy Big Masturbation has something to do with it!

Dr. Cornelius Felcher
10 years ago
Reply to  Liam McKey

Liam, he may have been referring to the Egyptian goddess whore Isis. I doubt he even knows himself, his brain being so addled by ejaculatory convulsions.

Dark Mercenary
10 years ago

Its time for you to lay down the Holy Crack Pipe

Dr. Cornelius Felcher
10 years ago
Reply to  Dark Mercenary

My bad. I meant to say “she”. But a lesbian is basically just a really ugly man. If we’re being medically precise, that is.

10 years ago
Reply to  Jay


dexter battygarten iii
10 years ago
Reply to  Gypsyboi

Isis is the Egypto -Babylonian whore goddess of Rhianna and the illuminati, who are clearly another acceptable front organisation for hell satanic Big Masturbation.
please inform yourself and stop spreading foul conspiracy theory.

Андрей Куропаткин
Андрей Куропаткин
10 years ago

Whore goddess? It is a little stupid to say that. It’s like “You know that faggot Jesus?” He was the only jew in Galilee that wasn’t married until his 30s. What do you make of that? He must have loved dicks for sure. He hanged out wit 12 dudes and a whore…

10 years ago

LOL, i laughed while reading this.
almost every person around that age masturbate, im a 16 year old boy and dont ask me how many times i have masturbated xD.

if your parents react like this then they either just want to get rid of you and use this as an excuse or they are really really crazy. and i mean REALLY crazy.

10 years ago

Her parents made the right choice. She is nothing more than a filthy harlot!

10 years ago
Reply to  Truffle


10 years ago
Reply to  Gypsyboi

That’s a classic retort from a heathen pikey. Farmyard animals and lesser gendereds are above you on the species scale… Even dirt.

Андрей Куропаткин
Андрей Куропаткин
10 years ago
Reply to  Truffle

How very compassionate and christianlike of you to refer to that guy and the minority he is part of!

10 years ago

Been browsing this website for 5 minutes and i can’t stop laughing! had to walk away and calm down, and came back to right this. the site is a Joke website some guy in his mothers basement wrote this. but in all seriousness, i can’t beileve that people really do that, sounds like this world needed dec 21 2012 to happen so we can be relieved from people like that.. *jumps and flies away*

Liam McKey
10 years ago
Reply to  thepacoovian

That was Satan laughing inside of you.

10 years ago

I was not laughing inside him Mr. McKey. It would appear I have a better hold on you and your hateful community.
Sincerely : SATAN

ordained minister
ordained minister
10 years ago

It’s hilarious to see you all calling yourselves Christians but yet constantly judge others. I guess you all apparently forgot that you aren’t allowed to judge others, therefore you sin just as much as anyone that masturbates. Understand what the bible says and actually practice it instead of sinning while preaching to others.

Dark Mercenary
10 years ago

Finally someone with common sense! Assuming by your name you are a Christian yourself? You sir are what I would call a true person of faith!

Dr. Cornelius Felcher
10 years ago

“Ordained minister” (I bet you just sent away for your ordination online like a fraud, whereas most of us here at B.L.U.F.F. have taken several online courses in theology and FaithScience)… Matthew 7:1 has been removed from the King Lonald Version as it was clearly a later heretical interpolation by LIEberal scribes and copyists who saw fit to twist our Lord’s words to justify their self-rape addictions.

10 years ago

oh please cornelius, shut the actual fuck up. you are indoctrinated, brainwashed, and plainly stupid. go be a dirtbag somewhere else please, 99.9 percent of the world masturbates. oh, and to top it off, you look fucking hideous in this clip. hope this goes viral and that you will live in a world full of shame and hatred.

10 years ago

That is disgusting. Those are lousy lame excuses of parents who cared nothing for their child from the start. From age 5 up people are curious about their own anatomy. And their “God” has a special place in hell for people like them and the only thing I will pray for concerning these people is that their beautiful daughter finds peace in the knowledge that their parents will suffer for their unbelievable dictation.

Dr. Cornelius Felcher
10 years ago
Reply to  Muze

Children start masturbating well before that. Babies masturbate. Hell, I discovered my cream-filled twinkie at age 4. It was the greatest day of my life. When I got out of the bathtub, I excitedly told my mom about my new friend. She told me not to touch myself there. If only I had heeded her advice. For years I would hide in my room and rape myself raw. It wasn’t until I found the light of Lonnie that I was finally freed from the awful grip my hand had on my penis.

Dr. Cornelius Felcher
10 years ago

I’m so sorry, brothers and sisters! I meant to say “heck”. Sometimes I lapse back into my old ways of using profanity and no-no words. I beseech thee all for thine collective forgiveness. Thank you, and Lonnie bless!

Your Mom Gives Me Head
Your Mom Gives Me Head
10 years ago

you are a special sort of psycho aren’t ya?

Tom Marr
Tom Marr
10 years ago

Her parents are gulable idiots at best.

dexter battygarten iii
10 years ago
Reply to  Tom Marr

but I agree. As a masturbator, there was no way she was borrowing that “penthouse”. ill bet it was just the tip of the iceberg. if she hadn’t duped them there is no way they would be this lenient.

Thomas Kelly
Thomas Kelly
10 years ago

I’ve been to East Carolina, it’s a terrible place. It’s good to know there are some rational normals still living there.

Phil McKraken
Phil McKraken
10 years ago

This story makes me hard. Lmao. She’s a beautifull girl and she has rights. You fucked up brainwashed people can pray for me all you want, but I’ll never change. I’m the normal one, all you fucked up people are the sick ones. Hitler controlled every aspect of people’s lives just like you all do. This is America, people have freedom, you’re all modern day hitlers and you all should be shot for the way you all treat your children. Masturbation is normal. All you people are so up tight cause you haven’t been laid in god knows how long.… Read more »

Dr. Cornelius Felcher
10 years ago
Reply to  Phil McKraken

Praying at you! Praying so hard!

dexter battygarten iii
10 years ago
Reply to  Phil McKraken

Everybody knows that Hitler was one of historys most zealous and enthusiastic masturbators, so everything you argue is invalid. Haven’t you ever heard of the mastur race?
roll on the floor shaking my head at YOU

Dark Mercenary
10 years ago

I am Currently fantasisng about a mass circle jerk with Lonnie childs and liam Mckeys entire Family…. I am donating koolade to their cause as we speak.

10 years ago

she can masturbate at my house

10 years ago

stupid bible-belt americans. this whole site is hipocracy

10 years ago
Reply to  Margaret

its not *HYPOCRISY* oh great European genius. None of us self rape at all.

Андрей Куропаткин
Андрей Куропаткин
10 years ago

Then you live really sad lives.

10 years ago

Oh, I’d adopt the poor wayward girl. She’d have no more need to abuse herself then. I’d take care of that myself.

10 years ago

We all sin and fall short of the glory of God. Stop judging, start loving…. Both are commanded in the Bible. You can’t pick and choose what to follow…. This couple has chosen to hate and judge rather than love…. I’ll send ya some ice water once you reach hell…

Jawed Habib
10 years ago

allah akbar

dexter battygarten iii
10 years ago
Reply to  Jawed Habib

and Admiral Akbar to you too, I guess.
Find jesus, pagan hell wiccan.
praying AT you.

Jawed Habib
10 years ago

Allah Akbar means god is great in Arabic, I’m an Arabic Christian. Telling a ‘muslim’ to find jesus is pretty dumb because jesus is also a part of their religion. Learn to respect other people’s choses.

10 years ago
10 years ago

This site and the people commenting in support of these “parents” are disgusting. Im christian, i love God, masturbating is natural. Seriously you all mental help. Your parents must have raised you guys in sick homes to think this is olay . And the church backed up their decision? Wow i hope theses people live a sad miserable life.

Your Mom Gives Me Head
Your Mom Gives Me Head
10 years ago

im jacking off to her picture right now. dayum shes hot :p

10 years ago

We should not throw proverbial stones at the girl nor her family or their faith. To grow up in confusing and dark times like these would be difficult for any child no matter how her parents may try to show her the way.
Although she has sinned, she is still a child, for her parents to abandon all hope for her should be a sin in itself. For aren’t true parents supposed to guide their children through life? We should not throw away our loved ones over a small bump in the road of life.
bless you all.
10 years ago

I dont want any of you nasty people praying for me and lonnie, whoever you selfrighteous freak you are, i wish you would contact me. I would put you and youre band of followers in your place. God would not approve of this, no way in.hell

Lonnie Childs
10 years ago

Consider yourself contacted, masturbator. What now?

Dark Mercenary
10 years ago
Reply to  Lonnie Childs

I will swing my penis around your face in a circular motion. All hail the comemorative circle jerk.

Dark Mercenary
10 years ago

Y’all Lonnie Lovers are twisted sociopaths arent yas! All this missery and condeming people to hell no masturbation, brother lonnie squating to take a piss like a woman… I think you are all unhappy and in need of a fat juicey cock, ill be happy to lend you mine… id fuck you lonnie lovers for something to do… hell id fuck a black snake with a fested ass… my cuntry campound boner wont go down.

10 years ago

If this article was about a boy masturbating you need people would be saying it’s no big deal. But because she is a girl?! You people are sexist and and the biggest hypocrites in society. Its people like you that make Christians look bad.

10 years ago

With Christians like you guys, who needs Satanics? You give our religion a bad name. God must be looking down at you guys with disgust. The huaman race was never created to be hating on each other. Shame on you.

Андрей Куропаткин
Андрей Куропаткин
10 years ago

the state of Eastern Carolina….