Post Tagged with: "masturbation finger sniff test"

B.L.U.F.F. Male Masturbation Detection

B.L.U.F.F. Male Masturbation Detection

SMN -My dear friends in Christ through the Lonaldian Way. As you are well aware, the fight against the sin of self rape is an ongoing process, one that is never finished. The holy bible, being the most important reference on the topic of morality, contains certain instructions and responsibilities […]

by November 21, 2016 16 comments B.L.U.F.F.
Local Girl Discovers Simple Method to Defeat Masturbation Finger Sniff Test

Local Girl Discovers Simple Method to Defeat Masturbation Finger Sniff Test

(StopMasturbationNOW)—One of the most powerful tools we fathers had to detect whether our daughters or wives were masturbating was the simple finger smell test. Masturbation leaves a fishy smelling oil on the skin of the fingers which is almost impossible to wash off. However Dr Aaron Cartilage of Spokane Washington […]

by June 2, 2015 16 comments Family Values
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