Money / Politics / Tina's Law

Bill Gates Donates $1 Million To Gun Control; $2 Million To Tina’s Law

American Billionaire and sometimes computer whiz kid, Bill Gates, shocked second amendment advocates when he donated $1 million (SMD) to a Washington State campaign to expand background checks on gun sales. Naturally, this has made some very proud Americans angry and they are now questioning Bill Gate’s “philanthropic” actions. It is every American’s right to bear arms so long as they follow the law. In Oklahoma for example, many proud Americans follow the law that says they can’t carry their American-defending guns out in the open (

Fortunetly the Gates family’s disturbing anti-Bill of Rights donation was negated moments later when Gates donated $2 million (USD) to a committee to get Tina’s Law passed in Washington State.

Tina’s Law, as our staff writer Carlos Danger explains, “makes masturbation illegal and sets up a ‘Council of Morality’ appointed by Brother Lonnie to enforce the new legislature and to punish masturbators, their allies and enablers. Punishment includes community service and fines though we hope it will include jail time and therapy as well.”

Tina’s Law, named after popular music singer Tina Turner, passed in late July in South Dakota. Insiders say that Gates’s donation should push things over the top in Washington State and give supporters of Tina’s Law the edge they need to get the law passed. After all, it is a well-known fact that masturbation is one of the top causes of gun crime. If Gates wants to lower gun crime then perhaps he should have his eyes on the filthy siner who pulls the trigger. Washington State would be the second of 18 states to see their anti-masturbation sponsored legislation passed into law.

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Milton Grits
10 years ago

The proposed gun law will not affect SMN in any way. We cleared this with Bill Gates before he signed on to it. As all members of our covenant are part of one family, we won’t be required to conduct background checks on members of SMN when issuing them with the weapontry we manufacture.

Thanks Bill… and yes, BING is better than the Google!

Sister Connie Ling-Huis
Sister Connie Ling-Huis
10 years ago

If only Tina’s Law were the law of the land we could stop worrying about the scourge of self-rapists and focus on promoting priest-run daycare facilities in secluded national park sites.

Trevor Martin
Trevor Martin
10 years ago

Gun “control”?! Bull****. Try controlling ME when a filthy lowlife child molesting queer pushes his gay agenda down my throat. Or when a “gang-banger” inner city negro tries to lay a hand on my children. This country NEEDS “control” alright, a good ol fashioned crusade like the good o’l days. A nice biblical b****-slap across the noggin to set people straight (in more ways than one), and show them what their priorities SHOULD be: family and God. Sorry for my outburst, praying at all of you here.

10 years ago

What the fuck? How is this a site, people have freedom to do what they want and all but seriously? You guys wish to stop masturbation? And no, its not “self rape”, self rape CANNOT EXIST so enjoy the trololololols