It is not often that the shrill caterwauling of the socially destructive feminist movement could ever be considered to hold something in common with socially responsible Christian conservatism, yet on the subject of self-rape we really should be natural bedfellows [figuratively speaking, of course]. You see, the group that masturbation really harms the most are women, even if they are not emotionally mature enough to acknowledge this truth of the matter. The act of self-rape tends to inure its victim-perpetrators to many other forms of rape, chief among them the forced intercourse of young women – creating a self-rape culture, as it were.
Doubt this piece of honest to goodness truth? Then consider for a moment Isla Vista’s ‘virgin’ killer, Elliot Rodger. This eligible young man was described as being “the supreme gentleman” until he broke his chastity pledge in succumbing to the peer pressure of the masturarchy by masturbating, he could have benefitted greatly from a permanent chastity lock around his manhood, he could have even used the many health advantages of such a lock, read more here. Once the self-rape started it was neigh on impossible for mild mannered Elliot Rodger to close off the sluice gates to the onrushing tide of despair and moral turpitude. It was at this time that Elliot’s attitude towards women also began to change, because if he was able to rape himself then why not also women, and if he was unable to physically subdue them due to his slight frame, then why not enact the frustration engendered by his rape fantasies upon them by violating their bodies with piercing streams of bullets? Masturbator entitlement is truly terrifying to behold!
“It wasn’t until I went through puberty and started masturbating that my whole life turned into a living hell. I desired self-rape, but it was never enough, I needed someone to share my rape with. There is something very wrong with that. It is an injustice that cannot go unpunished. There is no way I could live a happy life with such a scenario…
It was too much for me to handle, and I stopped caring about my life and my future. I even stopped caring about what people thought of me. I hid myself away in the online world of Big Masturbation, a place where I felt comfortable and secure.
How dare those girls give their love and sex to those other men and not me, I constantly think when I see young couples. There is nowhere in the world I can go anymore. There is no more life to live. The Day of Retribution is all I have. It is the final solution to all of the injustices of this twisted world. By doing this, I will set right all of the wrongs I’ve had to face in my sorry excuse of a life.”
Sadly, giving in to the masturarchy woke an evil beast inside Elliot Rodger, making him feel entitled to rape all those around him, and if not rape then certainly lay waste. It is this masturbation-fueled social blight which has meant that women are increasingly unable to walk the streets in safety, as there is always a self-raping masturbator waiting in some alley across the way, ready to take what is most precious from you. It is for this reason that feminism and Christianity are natural allies on this issue, as we both look to take back the night for modesty and abstinence. Rape is never OK.
[Just a reminder to parents that SMN’s crowd favourite, the Anti-Masturbation Cross, is currently back in stock and selling like hotcakes in our holy netstore. Don’t let your children become another casualty of the masturarchy like Elliot Rodger!]
This website must be the most ridiculous page on the internet. Self rape?! Give me a break. There is no such thing. Being raped is something that happens against someone’s will. If you have a wank, you’ve chosen to do it. Nothing wrong with it. There are many species of animals who masturbate. Not just humans. What do you think Jesus did when he was alone in the forest for 40 day?! I’m certain he wasn’t just trying to work out how he was gonna turn 2 fish into banquet for the whole of the village. I bet he was… Read more »
Dear self rapist
what you fail to understand is that consensual sex requires two willing people, when there is only one consenting adult it is rape. I don’t blame you for failing to understand this however because you have been brainwashed by Big Masturbation to think nothing of turning your body into some satanic amusement park. I will pray at you hoping you stop “feeding the beaver” before god smites it away
No. Masturbation isn’t sex. It’s a pleasurable device and helps your body keep well with cells. You consent with your self.
My fucking girlfriend was raped and I don’t show here this because rape is a trigger word for her. So kindly fuck your eyes.
Damn..Seems like im a self rapist. But for real masturbation isnt sex you idiot
First a self-rapist, Then a murderer. Do the math. #faithfact
Haha. No fuck you.
thank you kind sir ^_^
Sorry miss.
its satirical
That’s what I thought at first but now I don’t think it is
Elliot Rodger – a wolf in sheep clothing no doubt. The most evil masturbator of 2014 to date.
Of all the people I know, I’d bet most of them masturbate. None have ever murdered. Do that math.
It would seem that several of your acquaintances are overdue!
Instead of down-vote comments, you “pray against” the commentator? Correct me if I’m wrong, but is that not oxymoronic? Not that I’d be surprised. It’s definitely the least moronic thing on this site.
“It’s definitely the least moronic thing on this site.”
Which just goes to show that the system works!
Yeah your comment on that just did that.
lol, this website is bullshit(:
Time to go masturbate now! Or as you idiotic Christians would say “Self-rape” as if that makes any sense. Rape is enforcing sexual acts on somehow who is unwilling. For me to willingly rub my clit and put my fingers in my vagina, it is obviously willingly because I’m the one controlling myself. It’s not self rape. And this is why I despise religion.
Have fun with your troll page
Ur right tho this site is fucked up 😂😂💀💀🔥🔥
When you commit self-rape your are violating the body that God has given you. That is what you fail to understand. It is not yours to “play” with.
Think of it like this. The universe is God’s library, and you have taken out one of its many books, perhaps an early learning one in your case. If, upon returning the book, the librarian discovered urine stains on its cover, you would be reported to the police and thrown in jail. This situation is no different.
You people really disgust me. By even saying the words self rape you are making real rape seem trivial. People are hurt emotionally and physically every day as victims of rape, something they have absolutely no control over and im sure every victim of rape would feel so hurt that you fools would compare the suffering they have gone through/are still going through to the simple and natural act of masturbation. It will be children like yours who have had to endure an up bringing of hate and twisted religion who will end up the one causing hurt and becoming… Read more »
Is it more painful to be raped by a stranger, or by someone you know? Self-rape is the most intimate and tragic form of sexual violence on the rape spectrum.
Don’t bring real rape in here you fuck. My girlfriend got raped before. Masturbation is not fucking self rape. It’s a normal thing so kindly fuck your self in the eyes.
What was she wearing? Sometimes this is a determining factor. BTW the word “Masturbation” literally means “Rape Self.” It is derived from the middle-French term “Ma” meaning “my” the Old-German word “Stur” which means “violent rape” and the Cebuano word “Bation” which means “Feel.” Checkmate, atheists. Praise.
She weared non revealing clothes and got raped by her “friend” so fuck off.
And no masturbation is not a French word bitch.
“What was she wearing?” is probably the worst sentence i’ve ever read. you have to truly be Trash eating skum to think that a persons clothing will dictate if they are sexually assaulted to not? Fuck off. You are victim blaming. You are saying that it is because the VICTIM chose to do an Everyday activity as to PUT ON FUCKING CLOTHES that the PREDATOR just couldn’t stay in CONTOL? You must be a mass rapist at beaches.
“billions of years” “evolution”
atheist idiot
My wife only wears dowdy clothes, even to bed. This prevents lust by others and self-rape of herself. The word “Masturbation” does mean “self-rape.” The French/German/Cebuano etymology of the word proves that. Read the FaithFacts press release on this. Bless.
its not self rape if i like it
I rubbed one out in the bath today. It was lovely and my orgasm was intense. I really felt relaxed after. I got out of the bath and rinsed quick with the shower, tied a long bathrobe around myself and went to re-fill the bird feeder and water the back garden. The summer breeze blew gently up my bathrobe and I enjoyed the freedom of fresh air on my vag. I sparked a joint as I watered the strawberry patch. Masturbation is great!
ah so, i, as a woman, am going to rape other woman just because i “chose” to self pleasure? rape is the act of non consensual intercourse. do i need to ask my vagina if it’s okay first?
is this website for real?
Sadly, masturbation aka self-rape is real.
You’re on it, aren’t you?
I’m trying to find a safe space after I found toilet paper in my child’s room, I’m worried they might be masturbating in there.
every teen masturbates its a normal part of life and its even beneficial to their physical and mental health not a single person i know doesn’t masturbate and if you think masturbating is wrong i cant stop you just know whoever your trying to stop or convince to not masturbate will probably do it even more
the best thing to do is to just mind your own kids business and knock before going into his or her room and have personal space its natural
Elliot Roger didn’t kill people because he masturbated, He killed people because he was a monster. He was not civilized or a magnificent guy. Please stop praising a terrorist. And self rape?What the fuck?? That’s not a thing. You can’t “self rape” if you masturbate, you’re literally giving yourself consent to be touched (unless someone else controls your brain, which has never and will never happen). Masturbation is proven by multiple world-class psychiatrists, physicians, and doctors to be very beneficial to a person’s mental and physical health. This is the most ridiculous, stupid, and poorly educated website I’ve ever seen.… Read more »
bitch please tell me you’re joking, bcs im fucking screaming 💀💀💀
y’all this man really not kidding i- 💀
nigga said 👁👄👁
i love self raping myself
If I give consent to my hand can it still be called self-rape?
How do you feel about Gay sex?
i for one love it
please tell me this is satire
It’s satire, don’t worry.
shut up stupid misogynist incel mra fag
When I first came across this website I thought it was a joke site. But apparently it isn’t. There are many evils perpetuated in the name of religion and this appears to be one of them. Any source that attempts to guilt young people into attempting to avoid masturbating based on religious beliefs is harming them. At the very least it’s misguided and at the very worst it can cause serious mental disorders. Im my opinion this offensive website should BA removed
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Some very odd behaviour in the comments. Are these real atheists? How embarrassing. I once debated Christopher Hitchens and, despite his many shortcomings, I have to say the calibre of opposition has fallen drastically over the years.
For anyone genuinely interested in combatting their onanistic urges, I encourage you to reach out to me at I have talked to a lot of men at this point so I do prefer women, preferably under 25 and not short hair.