Post Tagged with: "AIDS"

Prostate Cancer And Other Masturbation Related Diseases

Prostate Cancer And Other Masturbation Related Diseases

MASTURBATION IS A TOP TEN CAUSES OF DISEASE Aches, Heart Disease, Paralysis and Suicide: When sexual organs are handled it causes a rush of blood to these parts, and causes oxygen depletion in other organs of the body, because they are left with a less amount of blood than they […]

Dick Danus is a war hero!!!  Respect him and his new wife.

A Day of Tragedy, Remembrance and Joy

A day that was meant to be a glorious event full of love, the marriage of Myron Danus to Paula Austin, turned to tragedy today, but we at the Stop Masturbation Now compound are not people who let a death in our group stop us from helping to create new […]

by December 14, 2014 20 comments Death
Do Not Take The Bad AIDS Challenge

Do Not Take The Bad AIDS Challenge

“Our prayers will heal the damage to your soul from life of masturbation, but only time will heal your vagina.” – Brother Doug Pinnic The fact that masturbation gives you the Gay, is basic Faith Science. And if we learned anything from Tom Cruise’s movie “Philadelphia”, is that unlike famous basketball […]

Iggy Azalea before masturbating.  What a beautiful young White woman.

Iggy Azalea Starts Masturbating Again, Slowly Turning Black

Iggy Azalea used to be a normal skinned female from the British State of Australia who people would certainly enjoy to see on websites similar to in a sexy situation, but then she started rapping and, even worse, masturbating. Now just a few months after her first music single […]

by August 2, 2014 32 comments Celebrity
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