Faith Fact Series

Masturbation Particulate Count in Water Twisters Spout Concern

Masturbation Particulate Count in Water Twisters Spout Concern

While a water spout is often weaker than most of its land counterparts, stronger versions spawned by bodies of water with high semen content do occur. Waterspouts do not suck up water. The water seen in the main funnel cloud is actually semen droplets formed by the chemical reaction of […]

Is Masturbation a Homosexual Act?

Is Masturbation a Homosexual Act?

Friends, as you know, we here at STOP Masturbation NOW ministries are dedicated to educating the world about the dangers of masturbation.  One of the more disturbing faithfacts we have uncovered is that masturbation is a gateway homosexual act that has directly led to the moral decay of this great […]

by April 28, 2020 85 comments Faith Fact Series
Masturbation: Offensive Across All Seven Deadly Sins

Masturbation: Offensive Across All Seven Deadly Sins

Safford, AZ – For years, the Stop Masturbation Now! Ministries has warned of and demonstrated the evils of Masturbation. The absolute harm done when one inflicts self rape activity on his or her soul when finger dancing the skin flute or spelunking the sin cave is incontrovertible, but still, agents […]

Are Masturbators Mentally Handicapped?

Are Masturbators Mentally Handicapped?

(StopMasturbationNOW)—It’s the age old question… what came first the chicken or the egg? Well it kind of depends who you talk to, if you are a faithful follower of the teachings of Lonnie then you are well aware that the chicken was created intact and whole. However if you are […]

by March 30, 2015 33 comments Faith Fact Series
How to Judge a Woman By Her Clothing

How to Judge a Woman By Her Clothing

(StopMasturbationNOW)—Women are the number one cause of masturbation, whether it be not keeping their husband satisfied or in how they dress, they are usually to blame. They say you cannot judge a book by its cover, but you sure can judge a woman by how she dresses. Here is a […]

by March 19, 2015 32 comments Faith Fact Series
Lonnie Childs: “Slavery Was a Giant Mistake”

Lonnie Childs: “Slavery Was a Giant Mistake”

(StopMasturbationNow)—Leader Lonnie Childs finished his speaking tour of the east coast last Thursday with a speech to hundreds of eager listeners in Bangor, Maine. As is typical for his final stop, Lonnie took some extra time to reflect on the trip to those in the audience. “Over the last few weeks I […]

The Damage Masturbation Does to Your Brain Is Amazing

The Damage Masturbation Does to Your Brain Is Amazing

(StopMasturbationNow)—Masturbators know not what they do, that is why they tend to be the poor and less educated among us. New data shows here clearly how much damage masturbation does to the brain.                    

by January 27, 2015 11 comments Faith Fact Series
This is a sin!

Reminder: Stimulating Your Genitals With Foreign Objects or Foreign People is Sinful Behavior

Faithfact #698:  Stimulating your sin zones with dangerous foreign objects or people is considered masturbation.

by October 16, 2014 17 comments Faith Fact Series
The Menstrual Hut

The Menstrual Hut

The Menstrual Hut Procedures and Guidelines *Note: The following is a living document subject to refinement, adjustment, and reinterpretation by Brother Lonnie in conjunction with the B.L.U.F.F. Council of Elders (Eldership). Revisions may occur without notice; however, they become Campus Law as soon as they are bound to print. Any […]

by September 23, 2014 20 comments Faith Fact Series
Brother Lonnie Announces Efforts to Repeal 19th Amendment

Brother Lonnie Announces Efforts to Repeal 19th Amendment

When Barak Obama signed the 19th Amendment into law few could have seen the unintended disastrous consequences.  LIEberal activist judges have taken liberties with this new law imbuing it with rights that were never intended.  The 19th Amendment was designed to make female circumcision legal and somehow these hactivist judges […]

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