Post Tagged with: "Morals"

Not for long, God willing.

Should People Who Masturbate Be Allowed to Vote?

What a country!  As God-appointed Americans, we live in a Christian land, founded on Christian morals by non-masturbating Christian heroes.  One of the great tenets of this fantastic nation in which we reside is the concept of a free democracy.  A government of the people, by the people, for the […]

by November 3, 2020 485 comments Civics
Always urinate as if someone is watching

The SMN Guide to Male Urination

One of the biggest questions that we get here at STOP Masturbation NOW is, “How can I urinate without becoming a sinner?” Rest assured, good man!  There are a number of ways to urinate and still be in good-shape come time for the Rapture. Before we get into the actual […]

by February 16, 2016 9 comments Uncategorized
Edward Scissorhands:  The Best Anti-Masturbation Documentary Ever Filmed

Edward Scissorhands: The Best Anti-Masturbation Documentary Ever Filmed

I recently had the pleasure of watching the anti-masturbation documentary film Edward Scissorhands  on the HBO.  It must drive liberal Hollywood crazy that a moral film such as this has become such a massive hit!  The creators of this uplifting, moral movie deserve to be recognized.  Sleazy Hollywood would never bestow any […]

by October 21, 2015 10 comments Celebrity
Tim Tebow Convicted of Murder

Tim Tebow Convicted of Murder

Superbowl winning superstar quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles, Tim Tebow has been convicted of first degree murder and sentence to life without parole.  Brother Lonnie has called for the public to withhold judgment until all the facts are known.  In his statement Brother Lonnie cautioned against judging God’s favorite white […]

STOP Masturbation NOW on the Air Tonight!

STOP Masturbation NOW on the Air Tonight!

STOP Masturbation NOW co-founder and high elder, Senator August Weisz, will be On the Air with Mike Allen on Armed Radio TONIGHT live at 8 PM Pacific.  The good Senator will be addressing the STOP Masturbation NOW anti-fap movement about 20 mins into the broadcast.  If you would like to […]

by September 3, 2014 15 comments Celebrity
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