Faces of Masturbation

Attempt to Cremate 500lb Masturbator Burns Down Crematorium

Attempt to Cremate 500lb Masturbator Burns Down Crematorium

HENRICO-VA (SMNNN) Alfonzo (last name withheld) died last week of masturbatory semen toxemia, a horrible condition caused by years of shameless and compulsive self-rape, which causes it’s victims to inflate with excess semen due to an over-stimulated sin-center in the masturbatory cortex. Alfonzo suffered from this disease for weeks until […]

Masturbation Left Me Deformed!

Masturbation Left Me Deformed!

  Today, normals of the faithful flock, I’m going to introduce you to Bryce*. At first glance, Bryce seems Normal enough: He’s a Caucasian male, early thirties, has a good job at a PR firm, follows the teachings of Christ, and always brakes for animals. Looks can be deceiving, however. […]

Encountering a masturbator in the wild can  be intimidating if you don't recognize the warning signs.

The Faces of Masturbation Series: Recognize the Signs!

Encountering a masturbator in the wild can be frightening if you don’t recognize the warning signs.  Pictured is your typical brain-dead masturbator, capable of only making guttural groaning noises, hurling insults that only the most remedial 3rd grade dropout might find amusing and, of course, masturbation.  Be aware of the […]

by September 23, 2014 23 comments Faces of Masturbation
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