Spot a Masturbator

TheRev Leroy Jenkins live at UCLA Campus

I love taking the Stop Masturbation Now message to the Liberal Bastions of the HomoGay Big Masturbation Institutions of Higher Learning and the Self-Raping Liberal youths enrolled there.

TheRev bathing the masturbaters in his Golden Shower of Truth

TheRev bathing the masturbaters in his Golden Shower of Truth

Today was an especially good day as I beat down the HomoGay Self-Rapist Matt Walker with the good word and bathed him in the Golden Shower of Truth about the sin of Masturbation and what is truly means to be a Normal.

God Bless,

TheRev Leroy Jenkins

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Cathy Redmond
10 years ago

Leave it to the masturbators to shout obscenities and try to tell you that you don’t belong there.


Rev. Richard Tuggins
Rev. Richard Tuggins
10 years ago
Reply to  Cathy Redmond

The sinners use the words of Satan to scoff and demean you. One whom is truly with God would not allow such foul words to before thier soul.

Ludicrousifix 2:2, Those whom use unjust words, shall befall the hand of God. For he is righteous and God will be the master of earth’s children.


01100111 01101111 01101111 01100100 00100000 01100010 01111001 01100101

Hello Richard, I see that you live in the same state as me, Arizona. Your IP address is I am approximately 1 hour away from you. It would be a shame if someone killed your pet, “reverend.” July 30th, Richard. Goodbye.

Rev. Richard Tuggins
Rev. Richard Tuggins
10 years ago

I pray for you, my son. I have sinned as I am jealous that heathen was allowed the glorious Golden Shower before I was given the divine opportunity. Keep spreading the good word brother. You truly are a child of God.


10 years ago

I must admit that I too have sinned many times and am jealous I have not been allowed the glory of receiving the Golden Shower.

Rev. Richard Tuggins
Rev. Richard Tuggins
10 years ago
Reply to  Ephesians

Maybe someday soon. We shall be bathed in Holy Golden liquid. I pray for you, my son.


Pete Hastings
Pete Hastings
10 years ago

Reverend Jenkins, you were incredible in World of Warcraft.

10 years ago

UCLA is a den of self fornication. Parents should definitely home-college their children.

Sharon Peralta
Sharon Peralta
10 years ago

Disgusting den of masturbation. I’m surprise he didn’t choke on the smell of sperm in the air.

10 years ago

It gives me great pleasure to witness TheRev Leroy, doing Gods work. I do envy his 5 sister wives. They surely have been blessed, being assigned to such a great man.

In Lonnies name, Amen.

Wanky McFap
Wanky McFap
10 years ago


Jasper Centaur
10 years ago

Brother Jenkins,
Thank you for spraying the golden shower of truth down on the self-rapers, you are truly a saint for even stepping foot on that campus! I couldn’t even imagine the smell of all those tree hugging masturbaters, keep up the outstanding work! Praise on Jenkins!!