Post Tagged with: "world wide web"

Born after 1980? You’ll have no idea what this device is.

Born after 1980? You’ll have no idea what this device is.

WEST PALM BEACH, FLA. – If you were born after 1980 you’ve probably never seen this device before, and you likely don’t even know what it was used for.  But if you were born in the age of self-control, you’re parents may have made you wear this, and if so, […]

by September 4, 2020 99 comments Disciples, Morals, Self-Rape Prevention
Atmospheric Masturbatory Residue at Unsafe Levels

Atmospheric Masturbatory Residue at Unsafe Levels

B.L.U.F.F. AZ – The Foundation for a Better Tomorrow, along with NASA, has determined that self rape residues in the atmosphere are at unsafe levels in many areas of the United States. The FFBT and NASA, as part of a joint taxpayer funded coalition, has been measuring the levels of […]

by August 12, 2020 86 comments Weather
Queen-Live at the Rainbow ‘74

Queen-Live at the Rainbow ‘74

We may have figured we’d heard the last of them, but the sinister homosexual noise band, Queen, has released another splattering of dread onto the faces of the public. The deeply offensive tracks in their current live album were actually taken from a concert that occurred years ago. The music […]

by September 24, 2014 4 comments Celebrity
Harlot responsible for 2014's "The Fappening"

Jennifer Lawrence and “The Fappening”: Harlot Alert!

Seeking cheap internet fame, Hollywood harlot Jennifer Lawrence released several naked and nude photographs of herself and other celebrities in order to boost her fame and get online losers to masturbate themselves into a tizzy. She is still claiming that she has been hacked, though. She has said having her […]

by September 1, 2014 25 comments Celebrity
Parents around the world are waking up to the fact that pornographics can be found on the World Wideweb (www)

“Pornography? On MY SON’S Computer?”

**BREAKING MASTURBATION ALERT** Parents, it has recently come to my attention that pornograpics, i.e., explicit sexual material, can be found on the World Wideweb (www).  Have you ever wondered what your son is doing whenever you are not around?  Chances are he is locked away in his bedroom, self-raping to […]

Web of Trust (WOT)…Agents of Big Masturbation

Web of Trust (WOT)…Agents of Big Masturbation

The once reliable “Web of Trust” (WOT) add-in for Firefox and Bing-based Browsers has given in to both real and imagined sanctions and bad will brought forth by Big Masturbation against this website. It is truly a sad thing when another reputable guardian for our children gives in to the […]

by July 16, 2014 7 comments Self-Rape Prevention
T-Mobile Adds ‘Morality Fee’; Sued By U.S. Federal Trade Commission

T-Mobile Adds ‘Morality Fee’; Sued By U.S. Federal Trade Commission

WASHINGTON, D.C., AMERICA — (SMNNN) The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sued popular wireless carrier, T-Mobile USA Inc. today, accusing T-Mobile of billing their users for hundreds of millions of dollars in “false” charges on their bills. According to the FTC, the vast majority of the charges were in the form […]

by July 1, 2014 11 comments Money, Morals, Politics
image source: Free Digital Photos By Stuart Miles, published on 11 April 2012
Stock Image - image ID: 10079656

Net Neutrality: What Big Masturbation Doesn’t Want You To Know

WEST PALM BEACH, FL — (SMNNN) The future of the new technology, known colloquially as “the internet”, is a topic that has gotten a lot of traction lately in both the mainstream media as well as the seedy underbelly of the “‘information superhighway”. Unfortunately, no other netsite has written about […]

by June 11, 2014 1 comment Politics
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