Articles by: Stop Masturbation Now

Black History Month Fun Quiz

Black History Month Fun Quiz

(StopMasturbationNOW)—Its been a cold and dark February, but its almost over. To celebrate the end of black history month we listed twenty inventions. See if you can find the three invented by Blacks. Computers Light Bulbs Antibiotics Rockets Peanut Recipes Penicillin Seat Belt Airplane Democracy Automobile Refrigeration Telephone Combustion Engine Twerking […]

by February 27, 2015 17 comments Animals
Woman Arrested for Masturbating While Watching 50 Shades of Grey

Woman Arrested for Masturbating While Watching 50 Shades of Grey

(StopMasturbationNow)—There is nothing more disgusting than female masturbation. To prove that point a woman was arrested for pulling her pants down and raping herself while watching a screening of the pornographic filth called 50 Shades of Grey. A 23-year-old woman caught the attention of her fellow-moviegoers after reportedly pulling her […]

by February 26, 2015 23 comments Pornographics
Lonnie Childs Bowls Record 303 Game

Lonnie Childs Bowls Record 303 Game

(StopMasturbationNow)—Leader Lonnie Childs last night bowled a record 303 game of bowling. The previous record was 300 and was shared by many individuals. The miracle happened in the 5th frame when a mysterious 11th pin appeared.   Lonnie attributed his record to the preservation of bodily fluids through the abstinence […]

by February 20, 2015 11 comments Sports
Is it Time to Thank Lonnie for Lower Gasoline Prices?

Is it Time to Thank Lonnie for Lower Gasoline Prices?

(StopMasturbationNow)—About a year ago, our illustrious leader Lonnie had to fill his truck up at the gasoline pump after handing out pamphlets outside a local high school volleyball game.  His the total was over one hundred dollars for the first time in his life. Now Lonnie isn’t about to go […]

by February 10, 2015 7 comments Lonnie Childs, Money
Lonnie Childs: “Slavery Was a Giant Mistake”

Lonnie Childs: “Slavery Was a Giant Mistake”

(StopMasturbationNow)—Leader Lonnie Childs finished his speaking tour of the east coast last Thursday with a speech to hundreds of eager listeners in Bangor, Maine. As is typical for his final stop, Lonnie took some extra time to reflect on the trip to those in the audience. “Over the last few weeks I […]

What is Kanye West’s Problem with White People?

What is Kanye West’s Problem with White People?

(StopMasturbationNow)—Kanye West embarrassed himself again last night on the national stage by literally rushing the stage during the Grammy awards. In 2009 Kanye took to the stage to interrupt a teenage Taylor Swift while she was winning an award. He then went on to rant how it should have been […]

by February 9, 2015 3 comments Celebrity
How to Keep Minorities from Ruining Your Super Bowl

How to Keep Minorities from Ruining Your Super Bowl

(StopMasturbationNow)—This Sunday is Super Bowl XLIX (49 for the uneducated). This year’s game pits Tom Brady and the New England Patriots against the defending Champion Seattle Mariners. The game will be broadcast live from University of Phoenix stadium in Phoenix AZ at 4:30 Mountain Standard Time. America loves football, and […]

by January 30, 2015 8 comments Sports
Will Farrell Shows Obama 2 Girls 1 Can

Will Farrell Shows Obama 2 Girls 1 Can

(StopMasturbationNow)—Obama is a terrible president. No wonder he can be found here laughing at the grotesque film “2 girls 1 can” on an Macintosh ipad. Will Farrell is best known for starring in the Vacation movies alongside Denis Quaid.     I cannot wait until we have a whiter president […]

by January 28, 2015 6 comments Celebrity, Trending
The Damage Masturbation Does to Your Brain Is Amazing

The Damage Masturbation Does to Your Brain Is Amazing

(StopMasturbationNow)—Masturbators know not what they do, that is why they tend to be the poor and less educated among us. New data shows here clearly how much damage masturbation does to the brain.                    

by January 27, 2015 11 comments Faith Fact Series
Are “Crotch Selfies” the new Hip Masturbation Trend?

Are “Crotch Selfies” the new Hip Masturbation Trend?

  (StopMasturbationNow)—Masturbation and technology. Two words that seem forever linked. From pornographic internets sites to online dating, masturbators seem to embrace technology at a dangerous pace. Always trying to stay ahead of parents and watchdog organizations once a technology is exposed they move on to something new. The latest most […]

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